Penny and Tycho in love

The video below was taken last March after I witnessed a dramatic swan fight that I truly believed was a matter of life and death. The event began when a young male swan materialized in the  Coatsworth Cut of Ashbridge’s Bay and proceeded to check out our female swan, Penny.

Penny’s mate, Tycho, immediately flew into action to protect her and their territory. Tycho chased the unnamed interloper far out to the open water of the lake, trying all along to drown him. The fight was brutal to watch, and I had my heart in my throat for Tycho, who has been Penny’s mate for years and years.

Tycho seemed to have the upper wing, so to speak, throughout the duration of the fight that I could see, but, when the two males were extremely far out, I couldn’t see which bird was on top and which one was being drowned under the water. Eventually, the two birds — fighting murderously all the while — arrived back on shore, where it turned out that Tycho was the victor.

The interloper was pecked into submission by the stronger, more powerful Tycho, and eventually paddled slowly away, defeated. The video that follows is the mating ritual that took place about a minute later between the victor, Tycho, and his long love, Penny.

I hope you enjoy my short video — it lasts about a minute (until I lost my balance and almost fell into the water. )

egon - February 10, 2010 - 5:25 pm

Not many poeple have ever seen a love duet of swans.Until now
it included me.It is such a moving display in every move of the two lovers.(Romeo and Juliet would be inspired).Penny seems to be so shy and more concerned yet to feel being attractive as she tries to do a little preening.Every gesture is laden in its display with expressions that we only can grasp the deep true meaning.One might say that this is poetry in motion.Yet,to me it
sounds like a symphony in its final crescendo.
Now I fully understand that swans live together till death do them part and are instilled with such a tender loving care for their offspring.
I also understand now when a photographer loses her balance!

Sarah From Toronto Gardens - March 16, 2010 - 11:22 pm

Hahaha! Love the surprise ending!

Kidding aside, this is truly beautiful. Love when their necks together make the heart shape. Beautiful birds, so glad that Tycho defended his mate. I’m going to enjoy watching these swans closely now. Especially now I know their names and a bit of their history.

[…] see a very short video I took of Penny and Tycho in their spring courtship ritual this year, click here. And to find other entries about P and T, search Wild About The City under […]

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